Visit Our Wineries and Win Prizes
We hope you will download our 2023 - 2024 Wine Trail Passport to help you explore all of our 17 member wineries, with 19 locations throughout the state. The Passport has a page for you to collect stamps at each winery you visit. Every year there is a drawing held to select prize winners that meet contest rules.
The Passport will help you plan your visits and map out your routes.
Prizes include:
1. A $250 Gift Certificate redeemable at any of the NHWA member wineries.
2. A one night stay in River Crest Villa’s at Flag Hill for two, and two tickets to a wine tasting.
3. A $50 Gift certificate to Fire & Spice Bistro at Squamscott Winery.
4. A $25 Gift Coupon redeemable at one of the NHWA member wineries.
Passports are available at any of our member wineries.
2023-2024 Rules
Winery visits must take place between May 2023 and April 2024.
You must have a stamp for each participating winery you visit.
Passport “owner” information must be completely filled out.
You must visit a minimum of 10 wineries to be include in the drawing.
Customers who visit the most winery locations (17 wineries - 19 locations total) will be in the drawing for our top prizes (1 through 3 above).
Passports must be mailed no later than May 15, 2024 to be included in the drawing.
Completed 2023-2024 Passports must be mailed to:
Squamscott Winery
PO Box 1050
Newfields, NH 03856